Acne is a common skin disease but not dangerous commonly seen in large number of young people these days.
Tomato Pulp: Tomatoes has acidity that dry up acne skin quickly. Also tomato has some other healing properties like vitamins A,C, K & lycopene. which help to fight acne scars. To apply, grind the tomato and apply on the face regularly.
Honey and Cinnamon: Honey is an anti bacteria that kills bacteria acne. Honey and cinnamon has beneficial properties for repairing damage skin. Apply every night before sleeping.
Potato: potato provide over 60% of vitamin C that boosts collagen production and heal damage skin from the sun and stress.
Also contain vitamin B for healthy DNA production. Potatoes act as an acne remedy that help remove hyper-pigmentation and wrinkles.
Vitamins: taking vitamins are one of the best home remedies for acne scars skin disease and recommended acne diet. Vitamins E and A should be taken at least once daily to clear acne scars.
Orange Peel: Another great home remedy for acne scars. To apply Pound with water to form paste, wash the acne effected. It should be included in your diet and part of acne diet.
Cucumber: Cucumber has some medicinal properties that removes dead skin cells and clean pores. To apply, Grate and rub the affected areas for 15 to 20 minutes before washing off with warm water.
Pawpaw seed: Also an effective home remedy for acne should be included in your acne diet. Chew pawpaw seeds, Swallow the juice and throw away the shaft. It should be taken in morning and night for three days after meal.
Hope you find this useful...
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